Have you ever wondered how the lyrics appear in the songs on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Shazam, etc.? Become part of the largest catalog of music data on the planet, by joining a family of music lovers The largest catalog of lyrics ever has Christian lyrics contributed by Christians from around the world. Isn't that awesome? Musixmatch is the portal for getting lyrics published on several streaming services. You don't need us to join Musixmatch... but we have a dedicated workspace with like-minded contributors / curators that understand the jargon, spelling rules, etc. associated with Christian music. Here is what we have to offer: Access to a (new) community of music lovers that share the passion to transcribe & share Christian lyrics Community members guide / mentor each other in a manner that one may expect in any Christian community (always based on constructive feedback) If you'd like more permissions / functionalities / paid activities, we wi...