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The Shocking Truth Behind Why 90% of Christian Musicians Are Limiting Their Own Growth

Christian musicians have a unique opportunity to connect with their fans in a deeper way than other music genres. Christian music has the ability to uplift and encourage, to bring peace and healing to listeners. However, the majority of Christian music artists are limiting their own growth, as well as the listening experience of their existing fans, by not sharing the story behind their songs and the lyrics to their music.

Over 90% of Christian music artists do not share the story behind their songs or the lyrics on their websites or social media. This is a missed opportunity for both the artist and their fans. The story behind a song can give fans insight into the artist's inspiration and the meaning behind the lyrics. Sharing lyrics can allow fans to sing along and connect with the message of the song on a deeper level.

I'm sure that you have listened to the radio. I do, and I especially love those programs where the presenter is also sharing interesting facts about a song. Have you ever wondered how he/she is getting that information? Do you have any idea how much time is spent searching for interesting details? It's a no-brainer that radio budgets are under pressure, because advertising-income is dropping, and people are moving away to on-demand forms of entertainment. This has created an opportunity for developers to create services that search the internet for details, and reduce costly research time = reducing the cost of creating an entertaining radio program.

If an artist does not make their stories behind the song and lyrics available online, I believe it is fair to say that the artist's chances of getting airtime, articles in magazines, and website posts are reduced. For example... Vendors such as, a company that designs tech to help grow media brands, have technology that uses AI and other tech to create and market tailored content for radio stations. The idea behind this approach is to use artificial intelligence to scan Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and thousands of other news and information sources to determine which topics/content may be interesting to a specific audience. The script is then generated automatically for use on-air. Similar services are used to create content for magazines and other forms of media. Any media that relies on online sources to (help) create content will skip music for which no details are available. Artists who do not share their stories and lyrics online should not be surprised if their fanbase is stagnant, if not declining!

One reason artists are not publishing their stories and lyrics is that they believe that their fans are only interested in the music itself, and not the story behind it. However, this assumption is far from the truth. Fans are often eager to learn more about the inspiration and meaning behind their favorite songs. Providing this information not only deepens the fans' connection to the music, but also shows that the artist values their fans and wants to share the heart behind their music.

Another reason why artists should share the story behind their songs and the lyrics is that it can help new fans discover their music. When someone discovers a new artist, they often want to learn more about the music and the artist's background. By sharing the story behind their songs and lyrics on their website and social media, artists can provide a deeper understanding of their music and attract new fans.

In addition, publishing synced lyrics to music streaming platforms and lyrics websites such as can increase royalties for songwriters. Each time lyrics are displayed online or on streaming services, songwriters earn extra royalties. By not publishing synced lyrics, artists are not only missing an opportunity to deepen their fans' connection to their music, but they are also losing out on potential earnings.

To make the most out of their music, Christian music artists should always publish the story behind their songs and the lyrics on their websites and social media. This can be done in several ways. Artists can write a blog post about the inspiration behind their songs or share the story on social media. They can also include lyrics in the description section of their YouTube videos or publish synced lyrics to music streaming platforms and lyrics websites.

It's important to note that the story behind the song and the lyrics should be shared in text form, as search engines cannot index speech in videos. This means that artists who rely solely on short videos to share their stories (or don't even bother to share their stories) are missing out on potential traffic to their website and social media.

In addition, artists should always publish their synced lyrics to music streaming platforms and lyrics websites. This can be done using the tools provided by their distributor. If the tools provided by the supplier are 'limited', then look for someone to manually publish the synced lyrics. Optionally, artists can use one of the services offered on to publish lyrics to Musixmatch, LyricFind, and Genius. It's important to ensure that lyrics are published to all relevant platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Deezer. If artists are publishing a music video, then they should always include song lyrics in the description section. 

NOTE: To our knowledge, there is currently only one service on Fiverr that is publishing lyrics to all three lyric databases (Musixmatch, LyricFind, and Genius).

By sharing the story behind their songs and the lyrics, Christian music artists can deepen their fans' connection to their music and attract new listeners. In addition, publishing synced lyrics can increase royalties for songwriters. It's a win-win situation for both the artist and the fans.

Christian music artists should always publish the story behind their songs and the lyrics to their website and social media. By doing so, they can deepen their fans' connection to their music, attract new listeners, and increase royalties for songwriters. It's time for Christian music artists to take advantage of this unique opportunity and share the heart behind their music.


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