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5 creative ways to make a new music release stand out

Angela Tyler of Bandzoogle published an interesting article about ways to make sure your new music gets the attention it deserves and helps to get your fans all excited for the release date. She shares a number of marketing strategies.

(The full article:

Here is a summary...

Perhaps you've been there, excited to release something that the rest of the world wasn't. That isn't a measure of your talent, and it says nothing about you as a person. It almost always means, however, that you lacked a strategy and thus a way to get your music out there. Hiring a publicist can help you build a fan base, but doing it yourself can be enjoyable and rewarding.

First and Foremost: Create A Strategy

Create a simple press plan in Google Docs, complete with outlets, angles, and a timeline. Begin with a timeline to create deadlines and plan accordingly, then consider the themes surrounding the song and how to pitch yourself uniquely. Determine who you want to send your music to, then create a list of blogs, podcasts, and influencers to target.

Then on release day, you can…

1. Partner with other creators for a release day bombshell

Angela recalls one of her clients, Cassie Fireman, who released a new single/video called "Chase" about her fear of marriage and losing her identity. She decided to go live with friends who commented on her feelings about marriage and her own fears on release day, and she even went live as a guest on someone else's Instagram. This sparked a lot of interest and gave her the opportunity to share truths that were almost never spoken about before. She received a lot of engagement from new and old fans through partnerships and vulnerability, and she was able to tell her story and really touch people's lives as a result. It is critical to tailor this to you, your brand, and your audience.

2. Run an online exclusive giveaway

Giving away goodies on release day can be a fun way to get fans to join you in celebrating and spreading the word about your release. Keep it brand-related, such as band merch, VIP hang with you and the band before the show, tickets to the release show, or something completely different. A singer-songwriter once collaborated with a small guitar manufacturer to give away a guitar at her release show. It was a huge incentive to attend the show and a great way for her to collect emails for her mailing list while also giving back to her fans. The goal is to appreciate your fans as much as they appreciate you.

3. Get Gimmicky

Tokyo Police Club visited Toronto and spent 12 hours playing their song PCH over and over. They modified it by having audience members sing, performing the song in different genres, and even bringing in local musicians to accompany them. The audience joined in on the dancing, singing, and cheering, and they kept track of how many times they'd played the song with a counter at the base of their instruments. This particular example involved filming a music video not to commemorate a release, but to connect with the community and gain new fans.

Note: This is a great way to get some free (local) publicity for yourself as well!

4. Throw a release day party — with a theme!

Too many release parties are dull and lack zing. Make a theme out of it to stand out and have some fun. Here are some examples:

  • Angela recalls attending a release day show inside a small art gallery with 25 other people, 5 of whom were members of the press and the rest were fans who had won a spot or purchased a ticket through crowdfunding. It was intimate and interactive, and despite the fact that it was over 7 years ago, Angela still considers it one of the best release shows she attended.
  • Halloween bash with various bands. Each band had its own theme, special discounts for costumed patrons, and a fog machine to make it memorable.
  • A performance by a new indie band with a synth-pop, tropical sound. They set up neon trees throughout the venue and distributed postcards with the band's photo and socials to everyone who came in (just like if you were on vacation and sending a postcard home).

5. Keep promoting after the release

Don't stop promoting after the release date, as much of the coverage and listens will come in the weeks following. Follow up with various opportunities, post behind-the-scenes content, and strive to attract more fans. This period is just as crucial as the actual release date.


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