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Important Announcement: Changes to Our Guides Section

We are informing you about an important decision regarding our Guides section .  Effective immediately, we will no longer be publishing new guides specifically tailored for Christian artists. As you may recall, in June 2021, we embarked on an additional mission to provide valuable resources and insights to Christian artists in response to the numerous questions we received from this vibrant part of our community. Over the past two years, we have dedicated significant time and effort to research and writing guides that we believed would be beneficial to our readers / Christian artists. However, after careful evaluation of the results and an extensive analysis of the reader statistics, we have come to the conclusion that the posts within our Guides section have not garnered the expected level of engagement / views to justify our investment in research and writing. While we deeply appreciate the support and feedback from our existing readers, we believe it is in the best interest of our o
Recent posts

5 creative ways to make a new music release stand out

Angela Tyler of Bandzoogle published an interesting article about ways to make sure your new music gets the attention it deserves and helps to get your fans all excited for the release date. She shares a number of marketing strategies. (The full article: ake-a-new-music-release-stand-out.html) Here is a summary... Perhaps you've been there, excited to release something that the rest of the world wasn't. That isn't a measure of your talent, and it says nothing about you as a person. It almost always means, however, that you lacked a strategy and thus a way to get your music out there. Hiring a publicist can help you build a fan base, but doing it yourself can be enjoyable and rewarding. First and Foremost: Create A Strategy Create a simple press plan in Google Docs, complete with outlets, angles, and a timeline. Begin with a timeline to create deadlines and plan accordingly, then consider the themes surrounding the

The Shocking Truth Behind Why 90% of Christian Musicians Are Limiting Their Own Growth

Christian musicians have a unique opportunity to connect with their fans in a deeper way than other music genres. Christian music has the ability to uplift and encourage, to bring peace and healing to listeners. However, the majority of Christian music artists are limiting their own growth, as well as the listening experience of their existing fans, by not sharing the story behind their songs and the lyrics to their music. Over 90% of Christian music artists do not share the story behind their songs or the lyrics on their websites or social media. This is a missed opportunity for both the artist and their fans. The story behind a song can give fans insight into the artist's inspiration and the meaning behind the lyrics. Sharing lyrics can allow fans to sing along and connect with the message of the song on a deeper level. I'm sure that you have listened to the radio. I do, and I especially love those programs where the presenter is also sharing interesting facts about a song. H

Writing an Attractive Instagram Post for Your Christian Music Releases

As a Christian musician, you likely want to share your music with as many people as possible. One way to do that is by creating an Instagram account and posting your music on it. However, coming up with the perfect Instagram post for your music can be tricky. Here are five tips for writing an attractive Instagram post for your Christian music song that will attract more visitors. (Plus a Bonus Tip  that explains how to create stunning videos like the one in this post!) 1. Use high-quality visuals One of the most important elements of an Instagram post is the visual content. Whether it's a photo of you performing, a piece of album art, or a video of your song, it's important to use high-quality visuals that are clear and engaging. Avoid using blurry or low-resolution images, as they can be off-putting to potential listeners. Our Top 10 tips for high-quality visuals on Instagram: Use high-resolution images that are clear and crisp, with vibrant colors and good lighting. Avoid usi

5 Tips for Writing a Catchy Christian Music Blog Title

As a Christian musician, you likely want to share your music with as many people as possible. One way to do that is by creating a blog and sharing your music on it. However, coming up with the perfect title for your blog can be tricky. Here are five tips for writing a catchy Christian music blog title that will attract more visitors. 1. Keep it simple When it comes to blog titles, simple is often better. A long and complicated title can be difficult to remember and may not be as effective at grabbing people's attention. Try to keep your title short and to the point, and make sure it accurately reflects the content of your blog. 2. Use keywords Including keywords in your blog title can help it appear higher in search engine results, making it more likely that people will find your blog. Think about what people might search for when looking for Christian music blogs, and try to include those words in your title. For example, a blog about worship music might include the keywords "

The Importance of Embracing Song Critique for Growth

Sharing a song for critique can be a daunting experience, as it involves opening up your work to public debate and inviting others to give their opinions on its strengths and weaknesses. It's natural to have fears and concerns about receiving critique, such as worrying about whether others will like your song, feeling unsure about your ability to improve it, or being worried that the song still needs a lot of work. However, it is possible to come out of a critique feeling energized and excited about your work. By seeking out critiques from fellow songwriters and musicians, you can gain valuable insights and feedback that can help you improve your craft and grow as a songwriter.  Benefits When you open up your work to critique, you may experience a range of benefits including: Increased enthusiasm for the strong aspects of your song Confirmation of areas that need improvement Discovering hidden talents that others find interesting Identifying gaps in your knowledge of the craft and

Here Is Your FREE 2023 Directory of Producers & Engineers by Music Connection!

Music Connection has published its 2023 Directory of Producers & Engineers. If you are looking for the right producer or engineer, then check out Music Connection’s 2023 exclusive, national list of professionals to help connect you to record producers, sound engineers, mixers and vocal production specialists. All information supplied by the listees. Or click on the following link to download: ABOUT MUSIC CONNECTION Founded in 1977 on the principle of bridging the gap between “the street and the elite,” Music Connection has grown from a popular print publication into a spectrum of products and services that address the wants and needs of musicians, the music tech community, and industry support services. Music Connection’s broad appeal encompasses the songwriter, producer, studio manager, home recordist, agent, attorney, publicist, label executive, and, of course, the musician who’s looking for the inform